Monday, July 25, 2011

CiaN Logo!

So...after...some debating and much doodling and several...versioning...the first CiaN logo is now official!

So the first logo is going to feature a very sketchy doodle of the CiaN acorn...which will have a name sooner or later, and its duct-tape'd wings. Its a very simple design, and won't be the only one. There's already a sketch(that I need to ink and maaaybe color) of the fox Nutty that may become a logo, as well as a very tough peanut. Since we do plan to have shirts for our members, and possibly buttons if we get that button maker for the shop...there's gonna be plenty for our folks to choose from.

If you're not a member and you want a shirt or're up a creek for now. ^^; We may eventually have things for sale once we decide if the shop a friend and I are setting up with be CiaN based or not...but for now...LOOK AT THAT PURTY PICTURE.

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